A Selection of TV News Reports & Documentaries

ACT is mentioned in most of these reports, which were influenced by ACT's work and investigations.

ACT has a history of successfully cooperating with journalists & TV reporters helping to bring adoption injustice to light.

2019: Amy’s Wish (Amys Vilje)

Now Showing on Al Jazeera
The film is an intimate character-driven global tale about what happens when an adopted teenage girl decides to reclaim her lost identity. With recordings from more than five years, the filmmaker follows the Ethiopian girl, Amy, in a paramount period of her life, from the age of 13 to 18. The film follows Amy as she decides to actively change her destiny by going up against the Danish and Ethiopian authorities, trying to repeal and terminate her adoption.

The film is for the moment only available in Denmark (TV2)
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2017: Manufactured Orphans

Preview I: With the help of ACT, a Swedish adoptee follows the criminal trail to India to unmask the deception behind her adoption story. ACT’s Director Arun Dohle explains.

2017: Manufactured Orphans

Preview II: ACT’s founder Roelie Post explains the black box of trafficking.

2016: The Traffickers

Discover more: www.amazon.com 
'The Traffickers' Explores Dark Side of Black Market In Adoptions, Pharmaceuticals, Organs | TODAY
Nelufar Hedayat goes deep into the global black market to meet The Traffickers, the people who buy, sell and smuggle illicit goods across continents and those trying to crack down on this huge international trade.

2014: German TV on illegal adoption from India

A 13 minute German TV news story about Anisha (born 1992) who was taken from her mother in India because she couldn’t afford to pay the hospital bill. The baby was forcibly taken from the mother and sent to an adoptive family in Germany. But Anisha always felt something was wrong and, with the help of ACT in India, was able to finally meet her mother. This news programme includes a critique of the Hague Adoption Convention. This was the first case that Arun Dohle, now the director of ACT, took up and his fieldwork form the basis of this documentary (as with most of the others listed above).

2011: Children for Sale, Ethiopia

TV documentary about the story of Betty, who connected with her parents in Ethiopia, and where she found out that her parents were not in fact dead, as had been stated in her adoption papers. This was based on work carried out by ACT.

2010: German TV gives an insight into the intercountry adoption lobby

This seven minute TV report by Germany’s public TV station gives a rare insight into how the intercountry adoption lobby tried to influence politics at the heart of the European Parliament.

2010: How a Kidnapped Indian child ended up in the Netherlands

A six minute news report on Dutch TV explains the case of Rahul, who was kidnapped in India and sold to a couple in the Netherlands. ACT helped the Indian family to the Netherlands to file a police complaint and try to see their child.

2009: “Search a Child, Pay Cash” by German Public TV

A 45 minute investigation into intercountry adoption from Romania, giving a valuable insight into how the intercountry adoption lobby works. Protagonist: Roelie Post.

2009: “Stolen and Sold” by ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

A 30 minute story of an Australian family who find out that their adopted children had been traded by child traffickers in India. A 27 minute investigation into the mechanics of intercountry adoptions.

Brandpunt Reporter De Adoptiemarkt

Once it was pure idealism. Since then, adoption has become a global buyer’s market. A market where the youngest, the healthiest and the whitest children go to the highest paying buyer. Moreover, an overstrained market. 

2007: “A Baby Business” by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation

Based on five years of research work by ACT, this 50 minute TV documentary is about child trafficking from India to Denmark. Made in the style of an investigation, the documentary follows the story of an Indian father whose children were sold to a family in Denmark without his knowledge. The programme uncovers systematic corruption in the intercountry adoption system.