Against Child Trafficking
ACT: Working Against Child Trafficking
Children have rights.
Intercountry adoption has become a demand-driven market.
It is much better to help children and their families where they are.
Intercountry adoption undermines the setting up of social support systems.
Children are not commodities.

About Us & What We Do
Against Child Trafficking (ACT) is a globally recognised non profit organisation that works to prevent child trafficking for intercountry adoption.
ACT social policies in alignment with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and conducts extensive research on child rights issues. We function as a Documentation & Research Center, collating invaluable data that serves various child rights and human rights NGOs, as well as individual child rights advocates and legal professionals dealing with child trafficking issues.Factually Showing The Truth
Since 2008, ACT (Against Child Trafficking) has worked to highlight the fact backed by evidence, that proves inter-country adoption is a legalised form of child trafficking.ACT opposes The Hague Adoption Convention because it promotes a legalized market for buying and selling children.ACT is persistent in shining a light on the damaging consequences of this legislation in pursuit of changes that will be of benefit to children's wellbeing.The Work That ACT Does
ACT works to prevent child trafficking in intercountry adoption and to align international policies with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
We fight governments to protect children’s rights and provide advocacy and litigation resources. We operate as a Documentation & Research Center, collecting vital data for child rights and human rights NGOs, as well as for individual advocates and legal professionals dealing with trafficking issues.Shown To Have An Impact
ACT was set up as a child rights NGO in 2008 by Roelie Post, an EU official, at the behest of the European Commission. It is currently run by Arun Dohle.ACT has had a major impact on reducing inter-country adoption around the world (inter-country adoptions have declined by 75%).ACT works worldwide and has assisted parents of kidnapped children in India, Ethiopia and Malawi.ACT relies on donations from people who support our work against child trafficking. If you like what we do please go to ACT ‘s donate page and make a contribution today.
ACT: Achievement Highlights

ACT serves human rights professionals
ACT assists the victims of child trafficking
ACT helped the EU keep out child traffickers
ACT challenged the Hague Adoption Convention
ACT exposed the intercountry adoption industry in Ethiopia
ACT changed the system in India
Advised the Ministry of Security and Justice
ACT challenged Madonna in Malawi
ACT assists the victims of child trafficking
ACT has been ratified by every country on earth apart from the USA.
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Call to action →ACT on TV
See how effective ACT has been in getting the message of adoptee trauma into the mainstream media.
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